Crafty Chica sighting

Sep, 28, 2011

I finally got to meet Kathy Cano-Murillo of the Crafty Chica fame over the weekend. Yay me!  I’ve been such a stalker fan. Ever since I read about her lovely family’s Christmas tradition of tamale-making in Better Homes & Garden, back in 2004.

When a brown family is in one of my favorite mags, doing something near and dear to my heart such as tamale-making, I pay attention.

Ever since then, I’ve followed her on Diary of a Crafty Chica. She’s been such an inspiration to me. An artist, mother, wife, writer, business-woman and mujer–she’s is blazing a trail for creative Latinas such as myself. Of course I had to make plans to go and see her at the local Michael’s Art & Crafts store, promoting her new line of craft supplies.

I have to say she is glitter personified. Everything about her personality was so friendly, bubbly, down-to-Earth and sweet! It was really like meeting an old friend.

I also had the chance to meet her husband, Patrick Murillo. I’ve always loved his style of artwork, and the fact that he had dreadlocks all the way past his behind just made me dig him more. It’s so encouraging to meet another artist couple, one that has worked so hard over the years. It gives me hope!

Sometimes this artist gig is kind of rough. I often wonder what is the point of being an artist? What is the point of having this thing inside you that needs to be expressed outwardly if it’s practically impossible to support yourself and your family financially? I really struggle with how artists are undervalued in our society. This is what plagues me in the middle of the night.

This is one of my all-time favorite quotes by Pablo Picasso, and it never fails to remind me why art and artists are necessary.

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.   

I may never make millions of dollars. Not every person may enjoy my type of art. Some people may even question the need for art and/or artists in the first place. But I know that art is important because it does exactly this–washes away the worries of everyday life. It brings forth beauty.

Needless to say, meeting Kathy and Patrick really boosted my morale and put some wind in my sails. I have so much to do and Kathy helped me to realize I have to keep working hard. Working, loving, creating, living and being.


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